Tuesday, April 8, 2014

So who located the most places on the NZ Map?

Last weeks Hands-on Homework was to locate the major cities and other places that were special on a map of NZ.  I challenged Room 17 by asking them who could add the most places to their NZ map.  Well done to our top boy and girl!  Jordan got 38 and Nikita got 37!


  1. Wow good job on the homework!!!!
    joshua yoon in room 20

  2. Wow good job on the homework Nikita and Jordon!!!
    from joshua yoon who's in room 20 #Biggleslove

  3. Wow you guys must be very smart to know all those places. Wow you two are smarter than us. It looks like you are having fun in your classroom and learning a lot. Room 6


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