Monday, November 3, 2014

100 Word Challenge

The last 100 Word Challenge prompt was just 5 little words. Those students completing the 100WC had to include the words swimming, lifted, broken, green and cat in their writing somewhere. Unfortunately we missed the deadline for entering the competition this week but we still read them to the class and Josie and Grace were voted the winners. Levi got the teachers choice. Have a read of them and see if you can pick where they've put those 5 words!

I was walking beside the broken swimming pool. I saw a broken cat with green paint slashed on it's wooden back. "What happened to this place?" I shouted. "It's a crazy mess." It was like a tornado crashed right through it without a care and went right to the whole place and destroyed everything in it's path. This shouldn't be a swimming pool anymore, It's lifted it up diagonally. It's a total mess of destruction. On the news it said seven thousand, eight hundred and forty two lives were risked for their beloveds. This is a disaster. I better leave them be alone.

By Levi

There once was a green cat. Every morning he went swimming in a broken computer. I know this sounds weird. One day he lifted a pencil to see what was under it. Just incase. He went to plat golf with his friend duck. But he didn't because duck was in space. So he killed a snail. "Ahhhh!" said the snail. "Hi.I'm back!!" Duck came back. They finished the game. "Why did you kill the snail?" said duck. "I did not meant to," said cat. The duck died. I don't know how. Cat is dumb.

By Josie

Once upon a time there was a green swimming pool and I was thinking, 'how did that get green?' The next day my dad got me a cute, furry gremlin and you could not get them wet or feed them after midnight otherwise, dun dun dun....they turn into this. "Ahhhhh," I screamed. Then I lifted up the ugly green thing and chucked it in the microwave and it exploded. There was all green stuff on the microwave. Then my cat was running around like crazy. There was something broken from those ugly gremlins and my cat broke it even more. It was a disaster.

By Grace

1 comment:

  1. It was great to get your comments R17. I am very impressed with your 100 word challenge stories. Mrs A.


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