I don't know about you but my house is surrounded by the consistent hum of cicadas. It feels like there are a million of them out there in the trees. I'm also finding lots of shells and it got me thinking - I've never seen a cicada come out of it's shell. I decided it was time to find out just how they do it. I found this cool video. Do you know much about cicadas? Do you know why they shed their shells?
That Cicada video really got me started on wondering why they shed their shells. So we googled and found out that they live underground for 17 years (but Dad says in New Zealand it might be 7 years) eating sap from tree roots. Then they come out and shed their skins so they can be ready to live outside in trees. Most importantly they need to get out their wings so they can fly around and find a partner. We found this cool video: http://www.kidcyber.com.au/topics/cicada.htm from Finn